Securing Patient Data with Insight


Sel Medical is a medical entrepreneurship company established in 1988 by Zvi Shalit. The company focuses on wound care services and employs more than 500 medical and paramedical staff, including nursing assistants. Sel Medical is renowned for its diversity, as it employs new immigrants, minority groups, and individuals over 50 years old, which helps to provide comprehensive services across Israel. The company offers various services such as blood tests, home rehabilitation, genetic counseling, imaging tests, nursing in Yavne, dressing, and wound care.

The Challenge

However, Sel Medical encountered a significant challenge when a database containing private medical information was integrated with a file-sharing mechanism, making it vulnerable to leakage. Within three minutes, 1TB of sensitive data began transferring to a low-privilege workstation in the call center, creating a serious threat to patient confidentiality.

The Solution

Sel Medical utilized Insight to address this challenge. Insight promptly identified and traced the data movement, enabling them to identify the vulnerability, which was the transfer of data to a network segment with minimal security protocols. With Insight’s capabilities, Sel Medical was able to stop the data transfer and implement network safeguards to prevent similar incidents from happening in the future.

Project Benefits

Insight's rapid intervention averted a critical data breach at Sel Medical, leading to strengthened network security and enhanced protection protocols.
  • Immediate Threat Neutralization: The potential leak was stopped, safeguarding sensitive medical data.
  • Enhanced Network Security: Sel Medical strengthened its defenses against unauthorized data transactions.
  • Proactive Safeguarding Measures: After Insight's intervention, the company upgraded its security protocols to protect against similar vulnerabilities.

Project Information